Your high-quality wood cabinets and millwork should last a lifetime when they are properly cared for through routine cleaning and polishing. You can keep your custom millwork pieces looking new by following these steps: Wipe the wood down with a soft cloth that has been soaked in warm water. If a damp cloth does not sufficiently clean an area, a non-detergent, nonabrasive household cleaner (such as Murphy’s Oil Soap) is recommended. For stubborn stains, use mineral spirits (such as Nature Sol) which can be found, at your local household supply store. Wipe the cabinets in the direction of the wood grain, then thoroughly dry the wood with a clean cloth or towel.

Painted millwork does not need to be polished. It is important to wipe up spills and water marks as they occur. Give special
attention to areas around the sink and dishwasher. Avoid draping damp or wet dish towels over the door of the sink base cabinet. Over time, this moisture can cause permanent water damage to the door.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Apply solvents to a clean cloth and never directly to the cabinet surface. Never leave a cloth moistened with solvents on a cabinet surface for any length of time.